
What Does Multer Do If No File Is Uploaded?

Whenever we submit a form on the client-side of any website, all the form information goes to the server-side. Usually, course-information gets encoded before we submit it to the server. We can practice this by specifying the enctype aspect in the <form> tag in HTML. If we don't specify it, class-information gets encoded with the default blazon.


This is normally the example when nosotros are dealing with text-only information like proper name, email, and countersign, etc.

But, if we are uploading some kind of files, nosotros need to specify the enctype aspect with the value multipart/course-data. This value is required when nosotros are using forms that have a file input type element.

Multer is an npm package that makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to handle file uploads. It does it very efficiently, thus information technology is quite pop. In this commodity, we will run across how to employ Multer to handle multipart/form-data using Node.js, Express and MongoDB.


There are four things you should know/accept installed before you try this tutorial.

  1. Good agreement of HTML and CSS.

  2. Node.js should be installed in your arrangement and yous should take a working knowledge of it.

  3. MongoDB should be installed in your system and yous should have a working noesis of information technology.

  4. Good agreement of the command-line or integrated terminals in code-editors.

Goals of the tutorial

The goal of this tutorial is to help you sympathize these 4 things:

  1. How to design an API endpoint for posting data.

  2. How to utilize Multer as a middleware for that API.

  3. How to manage and store those files on the server-side.

  4. How to view those files on the forepart-end.

Project setup

First, create a new binder/directory in your system and proper name it Multer-Tutorial. Then, open this folder in your favorite code editor. I'll exist using VSCode.

Next, create a new HTML file and name it alphabetize.html. Inside it, we will add a form to upload files. Your HTML code should look something like this:

                          <!DOCTYPE html>              <html              lang              =              "en">   <head>     <meta              charset              =              "UTF-8"              />     <meta              name              =              "viewport"              content              =              "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"              />     <link              href              =              " unit=Lato:wght@100;400;700;900&display=swap"              rel              =              "stylesheet"              />     <link              href              =              ""              rel              =              "stylesheet"              integrity              =              "sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN"              crossorigin              =              "anonymous"              />              <!-- style.css file path in the line below. -->              <link              rel              =              "stylesheet"              href              =              "css/manner.css"              />              <!-- -------------------------------------- -->              <title>Multer Tutorial</title>   </head>   <body>     <main              course              =              "admin">       <div              class              =              "admin__upload-file">         <course              activity              =              "#"              enctype              =              "multipart/grade-data"              method              =              "post">           <input              blazon              =              "file"              class              =              "admin__input"              id              =              "myFile"              name              =              "myFile"              />           <input              grade              =              "admin__submit"              type              =              "submit"              />         </form>       </div>     </main>   </body> </html>                      

Important points to notation in the code above

  • In the form tag, the enctype attribute must be set to multipart/form-data, for Multer to work.

  • Also, in the form tag, we have specified the action attribute to #. This is because we haven't made any API endpoint to receive the data from this form. We'll exist creating this API endpoint later in this tutorial.

Note: The header links in the HTML lawmaking is my personal mode of styling. You can style this page as you want and don't forget to write your CSS in the style.css file created inside the CSS folder in the root directory. I volition share my CSS code at the cease of this tutorial because this article focuses on using Multer.

You lot should follow the aforementioned folder structure that's specified. I'll exist sharing it several times as we create new files and folders so you tin follow this tutorial without whatsoever difficulty.

Electric current folder structure

Multer-Tutorial (Root Directory)

index.html (file) css (folder)

fashion.css (file)

Next steps

Before moving forward, brand sure that Node.js is installed in your organization. Write this command in your final to check whether information technology is installed.

Information technology should show you the installed version of Node.js in your system.

Something like:- v14.eight.0

At present, since our static site is prepare nosotros tin can commencement initiating this projection with npm. To exercise this:-

  • Write this command in the integrated last in your code editor or in any control line tool. Brand certain that you are in the root directory of this project while running this command.

npm init -y creates a new package.json file. This file volition assistance us to manage all the dependencies that we will install later on in this tutorial merely yous should create the principal option in package.json from alphabetize.js to app.js.

The resulting bundle.json file should look like this:


Setting up the projection with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

Commencement, we need to install the three most important npm packages that we need for this tutorial.

These are: express, body-parser and mongoose.

Thus, write this control in the terminal:

            npm i limited body-parser mongoose                      
  1. Express will assistance united states of america create different API endpoints and much more.

  2. body-parser will mountain the data coming from the form onto the incoming request.

  3. Mongoose will help us piece of work with MongoDB easily.

Permit's kickoff by creating a new file named app.js in our root directory. In this file, nosotros will brand different routes and too write some configuration code.

Write the following lawmaking in your app.js file.

                          // Calling all the required packages                                          const              express              =              crave("limited");              const              bodyParser              =              require("body-parser");              const              app              =              express();              // Configurations for "trunk-parser"                                          app.employ(              bodyParser.urlencoded({              extended              :              truthful,   }) );              // Configurations for setting up ejs engine &                            // displaying static files from "public" folder                            // TO Exist ADDED Subsequently                                          // Routes volition be added here later on                                          //Express server                                          module.exports              =              app;                      

Note that I have exported the app because nosotros volition be creating a new file. In that file, we will make our express server and a connection with our MongoDB cluster.

Please refer to these two videos to learn how to make a MongoDB cluster in Atlas (deject database) and how to connect information technology to our project.

  1. This video will help you create a cluster.

  2. This video will assist you connect it to our project.

When yous are ready with your cluster, create a new file in the root directory and proper name it server.js. This file will make the connection with our server and database.

Write this code in the file:

                          const              app              =              require("./app");              const              mongoose              =              require("mongoose");              process.on("uncaughtException", (err) => {              console.log("UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION, APP SHUTTING NOW!!");              console.log(err.bulletin,    ;              process.exit(i); });              const              DB              =              "ENTER YOUR Connectedness STRING HERE";              mongoose              .connect(DB, {              useCreateIndex              :              true,              useFindAndModify              :              true,              useNewUrlParser              :              true,              useUnifiedTopology              :              true,              autoIndex              :              true,   })   .then(() => {              console.log("DB connected successfully");   });              const              port              =              3000;              const              server              =              app.listen(port, () => {              panel.log("Server is up listening on port:"              +              port); });                      

Don't forget to enter your connection URI string in the DB variable.

Now, we accept to run our project on the express server that we have mentioned. To practice this, run the "server.js" file by writing this control on the terminal.

You should see this bulletin on the concluding if you take washed everything correct:

            Server is up listening on port:3000 DB connected successfully                      

If you see something else like whatever mistake, spotter those videos once more or attempt fixing those errors past surfing on the net.

Before writing whatsoever lawmaking in the app.js file, we have to brand some new folders and change the locations of some files. You lot must be wondering why we are putting and so much effort into emphasizing these things.

It is considering writing make clean and manageable lawmaking with an organized folder structure is as important equally writing the "right" code. These kinds of folder construction and refactoring volition assistance you lot with your big, hereafter projects.

  • Create a new folder in the root directory and proper name it public. This will concord the static files that we will serve. Cutting the css folder that nosotros created at the start of this project and paste it into this folder.

  • Create a second folder and proper noun it views. This will hold our HTML file that we created at the start.

Since we are dealing with a HTML file, we have to make some changes. First, change the file extension from .html to .ejs because we'll be using the ejs render engine. And then, inside the caput tag, where we accept linked our CSS file, change that link from this:

            <link              rel              =              "stylesheet"              href              =              "css/way.css"              />                      

to this:-

            <link              rel              =              "stylesheet"              href              =              "/css/style.css"              />                      

Nosotros have added the '/' in front end of it because we at present have to mention the relative path from the public folder, as information technology contains our static files.

New folder construction

├───node_modules (folder)
├───public (folder)
│ └───css (folder)
|──────└───style.css (file)
|───views (folder)
│────└───index.ejs (file)
├───app.js (file)
├───package-lock.json (file)
├───package.json (file)
├───server.js (file)

We have to ascertain some routes in our app.js file, and then we will start past defining the road for our domicile page.

Follow these steps:

  • Install the template engine for ejs past writing this control:
  • Include the path package at the top which is a built-in Ndde.js parcel.
                          const              path              =              require("path");                      
  • Write the configuration code for setting up the EJS template engine and defining the path.
                          app.fix("view engine",              "ejs");              app.ready("views",              path.join(__dirname,              "views"));              app.employ(express.static(`              ${              __dirname              }              /public`));                      
  • Now, we will create our first API endpoint, to render the HTML file that we build at the beginning of this tutorial.
                          app.use("/", (req,              res) => {              res.status(200).render("alphabetize"); });                      

Afterward all these steps, your app.js file should look similar this.


Restart the server with the same command as above:

Yous should come across the rendered HTML file that y'all created earlier.

Uploading and storing files

Before using Multer to handle the upload activeness of files, we demand to sympathize a few things.

  • The actual files are never stored in the database. They are e'er stored someplace on the server. In our tutorial, nosotros will store the uploaded files in the public folder.

This is considering all the files that are in the public folder are meant to be available to the public at the front-end.

Subsequently in the tutorial, nosotros volition larn how to view those files on the front end-end. So, that is another reason to store them in the public folder.

  • Merely, we will use the database to shop some information most those files. The offset matter can exist the name of the file and other information can vary according to the project.

Next we create a schema to shop the name of our uploaded files. We will exercise this with the help of the Mongoose parcel that we installed earlier.

To exercise this, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Create a new folder and proper name it model.

  2. Create a new file in it and name information technology the `fileSchema.js``.

  3. Write this code in that file.

                          // Calling the "mongoose" package                                          const              mongoose              =              require("mongoose");              // Creating a Schema for uploaded files                                          const              fileSchema              =              new              mongoose.Schema({              createdAt              :              {              type              :              Date,              default              :    ,   },              proper noun              :              {              type              :              String,              required              :              [true,              "Uploaded file must have a name"],   }, });              // Creating a Model from that Schema                                          const              File              =              mongoose.model("File",              fileSchema);              // Exporting the Model to use it in app.js File.                                          module.exports              =              File;                      

This is how we create a Schema with Mongoose and excerpt a model from it. We will now utilize this model to store information almost uploaded files in MongoDB. Don't forget to call this model in the app.js file at the top.

                          const              File              =              crave("./model/fileSchema");                      

Side by side, create a new folder named "files" within the public binder. This is where we'll exist storing the uploaded files.

Updated folder structure:

├───model (folder)
│ └───fileSchema.js (file)
├───node_modules (folder)
├───public (folder)
│ └───css (folder), files(binder)
|──────└───style.css (file)
|───views (folder)
│────└───index.ejs (file)
├───app.js (file)
├───package-lock.json (file)
├───package.json (file)
├───server.js (file)


Every bit mentioned previously, Multer is a Node.js middleware used for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files.

For those who don't know what a middleware is in Node.js, it'southward a function that receives the request and response object when a user from the client-side makes any request.

There are two uses of middleware in Node.js:

  1. To transport the response based on the request coming from the user.
  2. To change or modify the asking object and send it to the next middleware.

We can add together every bit many middleware as we wish in this request-response cycle. Let'due south start by installing Multer.

Write this command in your terminal:

After installing the bundle, we will import it at the summit of the app.js file:

                          const              multer              =              crave("multer");                      

So we will starting time by creating an API endpoint to upload the file, just in a higher place the previous one.

Notation: Make sure that the endpoint used to render the folio is at the end of all the API endpoints.

                          //API Endpoint for uploading file                                "/api/uploadFile", (req,              res) => {              // Stuff to exist added later                            });                      

Let'south start using Multer

Nosotros are going to store the uploaded files in our disk storage inside the files folder that we just created. Let's start by defining the destination. Copy the following code in your app.js file only below the lawmaking for configuration of static files.

                          //Configuration for Multer                                          const              upload              =              multer({              dest              :              "public/files"              });                      

In this code, we are calling the multer function that takes certain options equally arguments. We pass the dest (destination) option and the value of dest will be:public/files.

After that, we have to use this upload variable as the middleware in the API endpoint created in a higher place.

Change that API endpoint to this:

                "/api/uploadFile",              upload.single("myFile"), (req,              res) => {              // Stuff to exist added later on                                          console.log(req.file); });                      

Hither, upload.single is again a part. The single determines that only a single file is to be uploaded. In the case of in that location being many files, we can utilize multiple instead of single.

Information technology takes a cord equally an argument and that string is the name of the input that we mentioned in our HTML code.

We did console.log(req.file) to see the details of the file that nosotros are uploading. This will help the states configure multer in a more advanced way. Nosotros volition also be able to do the filtering on those files.

At present, we can start by sending the request with files on this API. Just, earlier that, we need to brand minor changes in our HTML code in the alphabetize.ejs file.

Open that file and change the value of the action attribute in the form to '/api/uploadFile'. Also, annotation the name of the input that we mentioned in the in a higher place lawmaking.

            <class              action              =              "/api/uploadFile"              enctype              =              "multipart/form-information"              method              =              "POST">   <input              type              =              "file"              class              =              "admin__input"              id              =              "myFile"              name              =              "myFile"              />   <input              course              =              "admin__submit"              type              =              "submit"              /> </form>                      

Just to make sure that we are on the same folio, here is the land of the app.js file upwardly to now.


Finally, you lot can upload a file from your rendered page. You should see something similar this on your terminal window when you hit submit.

This is my output. Yours volition exist different based on what you uploaded.

                          {              fieldname:              'myFile',   originalname:              'Final Resume.pdf',   encoding:              '7bit',   mimetype:              'application/pdf',   destination:              'public/files',   filename:              '54a87baf681a51490eda5626f495df6c',   path:              'public\\files\\54a87baf681a51490eda5626f495df6c',   size:              2034370              }                      

Also, notation that a new file would already have been created in your files binder under public. Just, that file won't be readable because in that location is no extension for that file.

With the data we just got, we will configure multer in a more complex way then that our files become readable.

Configuring Multer

At present, nosotros can commencement configuring Multer in a more complex way and we will do that in ii parts:

  1. Configuring the deejay storage and naming the uploaded files.

To exercise this, replace the previous one-liner lawmaking for configuration with this code:

Delete this:

                          //Configuration for Multer                                          const              upload              =              multer({              dest              :              "public/files"              });                      

At present write this:

                          //Configuration for Multer                                          const              multerStorage              =              multer.diskStorage({              destination              :              (req,              file,              cb) => {              cb(aught,              "public");   },              filename              :              (req,              file,              cb) => {              const              ext              =              file.mimetype.split up("/")[1];              cb(nil,              `files/admin-              ${              file.fieldname              }              -              ${}              .              ${              ext              }              `);   }, });                      

Multer has an in-built method chosen diskStorage and it takes a couple of options. The commencement selection is again the destination, but we cannot only fix it as nosotros did before.

The destination option is a callback office that takes three arguments:

  1. req, which is the incoming request object.

  2. file, which is the incoming file object (that nosotros saw in the final a bit before).

  3. cb, which is once more another callback function.

We call the cb function that takes the two arguments. The beginning is fault which we are going to pass zilch to. The 2d is the destination folder which is public.

The second option that this method takes is the filename. It is nearly the same as the destination option except in this, the inner callback function takes the filename as the 2nd statement.

So, you tin can see that I have created a unique filename for this using the template string in JavaScript. You tin can refer to the file object that we logged in to our terminal earlier. I have taken the extension from the mimetype holding of the file object and also the fieldname.

Congratulations. Nosotros have completed the first footstep of configuring Multer. Adjacent, we will make a filter to filter out different kinds of files. I will make a filter to only let the upload of PDF files. Y'all can make your own filter by referring to the lawmaking below:

                          // Multer Filter                                          const              multerFilter              =              (req,              file,              cb) => {              if              (file.mimetype.split("/")[1]              ===              "pdf") {              cb(null,              truthful);   }              else              {              cb(new              Error("Not a PDF File!!"),              false);   } };                      

Now, this piece of code is very simple. Multer filter is only a function that likewise has req, file, and a callback part as its arguments. In this, nosotros will bank check if the uploaded files are PDFs, if so we will pass true in the callback function. If it isn't a PDF, we volition laissez passer fake along with an error in the callback part. If you want to filter out some other files like images, you lot can do that hands by checking the mimetype of the uploaded files.

The last step is to again call the Multer office just now passing our manually configured multerStorage and multerFilter every bit options similar the code below:

                          //Calling the "multer" Role                                          const              upload              =              multer({              storage              :              multerStorage,              fileFilter              :              multerFilter, });                      

Relieve the file to restart the server.

Now, if you try to upload a PDF file, you should see that uploaded file (in PDF format) in your files folder nether the public directory. Only, if you upload any other file, it volition show an error.

And so, nosotros can finally run into our uploaded file in our disk storage. But, if we desire to see this file on the front-end, we need to shop the proper name of the file in our database. Since, nosotros have already created the schema for our database, all we have to do is to salvage the proper noun of the file in our road-handler function.

Write the following code inside the uploadFile API endpoint:-

                          // Stuff to be added later on                            // console.log(req.file)                                          try              {              const              newFile              =              await              File.create({              proper name              :              req.file.filename,   });              res.status(200).json({              condition              :              "success",              message              :              "File created successfully!!",   }); }              catch              (error) {              res.json({              fault,   }); }                      

Updated app.js File


Know if you upload a file and hit submit again, the name of the file will be saved in your deject database. To see that, y'all can go to your cluster at the MongoDB site, and in the collections, yous should see something like the image beneath:


Note that, the name of the file in the database should match the filename in your disk storage and this is how we can upload a file using Multer as a middleware in a node.js application.

View these files on your front end-end

The next part of this tutorial is to view these uploaded files on the front-terminate of your projection. To practise this, we take to create another API endpoint to get all the files.

Write the following code in your app.js file:

                          app.go("/api/getFiles",              async              (req,              res) => {              attempt              {              const              files              =              wait              File.notice();              res.status(200).json({              condition              :              "success",              files,     });   }              grab              (fault) {              res.json({              status              :              "Fail",              error,     });   } });                      

Now, all we have to do is make an API telephone call on this endpoint. I prefer using Axios to do this. Afterward getting the results, we tin can prove these files on our folio using some basic HTML code and CSS.

Include this script at the end of your HTML code earlier closing the <html> tag.

            <script              src              =              ""></script>                      

I'll include the JavaScript code after the HTML but you lot can create a new JavaScript file and then place it in the public directory the same as your CSS file.

            <script>              const              parentDiv              =              document.querySelector(".admin");   window.addEventListener("load",              async              () => {              endeavor              {              permit              upshot              =              expect              axios({              method              :              "Go",              url              :              "/api/getFiles",       });              let              files              =    ;              files.forEach((file) => {              markup              =              `                                            <div class="files__entity">                                            <i class="files__icon fa fa-file-text" aria-hidden="true"></i>                                            <bridge class="files__date">Engagement created:-                            ${              file.createdAt              }              </span>                                            <a href="              ${              file.proper name              }              " class="files__link"><i class="fa fa-eye tests__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>                                            </div>                                            `;              parentDiv.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend",              markup);       });     }              take hold of              (error) {              panel.log(error);     }   }); </script>                      

With this lawmaking, we are calling the API endpoint that nosotros created and with the data we receive, we are making entities for each different file. Nosotros also made a link in those entities and gear up its value to the name of the file stored in the database. This way, when we click that link, our uploaded file volition open in our browser.

CSS Styles

                          *,              *::before              ,              *::afterward              {              margin:              0;              padding:              0;              box-sizing:              inherit; }              html              {              font-size:              62.5              %;   gyre-behavior:              smooth; }  .admin              {              margin-left:              50              %;              margin-top:              7              rem;              transform: translateX(-thirty              %); }  .admin__input              {              edge:              none;              background-color:              #41398e;              padding:              ane              rem              1.8              rem;              color:              #e2e0e0;              border-radius:              x              rem;              margin-right:              2.5              rem; }  .admin__submit              {              edge:              none;              background-color:              #603556;              padding:              1              rem              1.8              rem;              color:              #e2e0e0;              border-radius:              10              rem;              cursor:              arrow; }  .admin__submit:focus              {              outline:              none; }  .files__entity              {              groundwork-color:              lightgray;              brandish:              inline              -              block;              padding:              5              px              10              px;              text-align:              center;              margin-top:              20              px;              font-size:              14              px; }                      


Congratulations. Yous've uploaded files using Multer and viewed them on the front-cease. There are also lots of things that we can do with Multer, therefore I suggest you to check out its documentation here.

If you want to upload images, resize them according to your needs, in order to save space on the server. We would have to store the images in the buffer storage before storing them in disk storage.

Happy Coding!

Peer Review Contributions past: Peter Kayere


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